How can I get my coffee into a sanke style keg?

Sanke kegs are great as they offer a "closed system", thus giving the brewer full control over what goes in and out of the keg. The drawback of the sanke keg is that it requires specialized equipment to clean and fill it. Until now....

One question we're commonly asked is "how can I get my coffee into a sanke keg?" and generally speaking, you'll need special equipment to both fill and clean sanke kegs. Let's be honest, there is not point in filling a sanke keg with your coffee if you won't be able to properly clean it. It's for this reason that many coffee shops stick with corny (cornelius kegs) - the removeable lid on a corny keg makes them great options for smaller shops that don't have the resources for a full kegging system.

We now offer a traditional 1/6 BBL sanke keg (5.16 gallons) that has a removeable tri-clamp lid with sanke spear. This product is the perfect way to start offering beverages in a sanke style keg system without the need to purchase specialized equipment for cleaning and filling sanke kegs. Clickto learn more about the 5 Gallon Sanke Keg with Tri-Clamp Removable Spear.

If you're one of those small shops trying to break into the wholesale market by providing sanke style kegs to your local bar & restaurant clients, look no further than the Cleaning Keg with Sanke D Outlet & Removeable Lid. This "cleaning keg" is designed to allow the user to remove the lid and fill it (typically with cleaner), but that's not to say that you can't fill it with a beverage of your choosing... say coffee, or a mixed drink. These kegs are designed for cleaning, but their design does not limit them to just cleaning.

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