5 out of 5, based on 65 user ratings. 1 total user reviews.
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65 out of 65 found the following review helpful
I've been looking all over for a regulator like this. I used to purchase Chudnow regualtors as they all came equipped with on-body pressure relief valves, but that company just disappeared into thin air. No on really seems to know what happened to them. Then one night after a couple brews, I came across these CMB secondary regulators and boy am I happy that I found them! I've had this for a few weeks now and it works just as expected. It's build quality is solid and I love having the on-body PRVs again, plus, the 5-year warranty is a huge bonus. The shutoff valves are nice that they can be shut off by turning to the left or to the right. So far, great regulator.